Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Anime Moment Of The Week

Today's the start of the weekly post, Anime Moment Of The Week! Since this is the beginning of these posts, I feel that the first Anime Moment Of The Week, should also be at the beginning! This is personally one of my favorite scenes from the entire anime:
After angering a wild flock of Spearow, Ash's Pokémon-loving nature tries to sacrifice himself to save his stubborn Pikachu, who up until then, wasn't happy with the idea of Ash as his trainer.

After seeing this, Pikachu realizes that Ash is trustable after all, and charges the entire flock of Spearow head-on, using a Thundershock to knock out the entire flock! (It was a strangely powerful Thundershock, too... I thought all starters were supposed to be level 5? The mystery of Pikachu's actual level begins.)

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